Author: Ritchie Chan

  • Edinburgh’s Best Commuter Towns for Property-Hunting Professionals

    Edinburgh’s Best Commuter Towns for Property-Hunting Professionals

    If you’re dreaming of ditching the hustle and bustle of Edinburgh city life but still want to stay close enough to commute easily, you’re in luck. With thriving towns to suit every lifestyle just a stone’s throw away from the capital, professionals are spoiled for choice when it comes to making a move that won’t…

  • Gazumping in Scotland: What You Need to Know

    Gazumping in Scotland: What You Need to Know

    In the bustling realm of the Scottish property market, potential homebuyers face a unique challenge – gazumping. While this term might sound like a quirky Scottish tradition, it’s a phenomenon that can send ripples of frustration through even the most composed property seekers. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of gazumping, discussing what…

  • First-Time Buyers: Get On the Ladder in 2024

    First-Time Buyers: Get On the Ladder in 2024

    First-Time Buyers: Your Guide for Getting on the Ladder in 2024 So, you’ve decided it’s time to toss aside those rent recipes and dive into the world of homeownership. Welcome aboard! But while climbing the property ladder in Scotland can be an exciting prospect, it can also be an overwhelming one – particularly for first-time…

  • Beyond the Bricks: The 2023 Property Market Overview

    Beyond the Bricks: The 2023 Property Market Overview

    Looking Back: Property Market Trends of 2023 UK House Prices Stayed Strong Despite Economic Uncertainty In their 2023 end-of-year review, Halifax highlights the resilience of UK property prices, which proved more robust than initially anticipated, experiencing only a marginal 1% decrease to an average of £283,615. Despite this positive outcome, Kim Kinnaird, Director at Halifax…

  • Snow Business: Why Winter’s the Perfect Time to Sell

    Snow Business: Why Winter’s the Perfect Time to Sell

    While many wax lyrical about the benefits of selling your home in the spring and summer months, those taking the plunge as the year draws to a close have much to gain. From less competition on the market to decreased pressure for ‘curb appeal’ and even a greater chance of attaining their asking price (or…