The Property Selling Guide: Marketing Your Home

The property market can be overwhelming, filled with jargon and complicated processes guaranteed to befuddle first-time sellers and seasoned veterans alike. Our detailed Property Selling Guide aims to demystify the industry to give you the tools to confidently sell your home (and for the price you want, too).

In the latest guide, we’ll discuss our top tips for marketing your home effectively, both in-person and online. From the tools at your estate agent’s disposal to our techniques for showing your property in the best light, read on to discover our simple and affordable tips for impressing potential buyers and getting the price you want. Let’s dive in.

How Your Estate Agent Markets Your Home

Once you’ve appointed your estate agent, they’ll get to work creating a host of marketing materials to advertise your property to potential buyers. This can include:

  • Professional photography – experienced photographers will produce a portfolio of high-quality pictures to showcase your property’s best features and draw in buyers.
  • Promotional material – this can include marketing your property on national and local property websites, printed property brochures and schedules, and newspaper advertisements. Note that these services may be included in your quote or paid for separately in addition to your fee.
  • Floor plan – the floor plan is a visual representation of your property and allows buyers to better picture the layout. While inexpensive, studies show that homes with floor plans attract more interest and increase sales.
  • ‘For Sale’ boards – depending on the area, For Sale boards can be a great way to catch passersby and increase the reach of your marketing. Some sellers, however, choose not to have one.

How to Market Your Home Effectively

Getting your buyers’ first impressions right, whether online or in-person, is essential to getting the offer you want, so it’s worth spending some time (and even a little cash) ensuring your home is as appealing as possible both inside and out.

So, what can you do to increase your chances of a sale?

Clean, Clean & Clean Again

While it might seem obvious, cleaning your home is the cheapest and most effective way to make your home more attractive to would-be buyers. Costing little more than your time (or a small fee on professional cleaning services) it can nonetheless make or break your sale. Buying a home can be an emotional experience for many and buyers are less likely to be able to imagine themselves living in a dirty, messy or disorganised home. 

Spend some time deep cleaning your property from top to bottom before your professional pictures are taken and viewings are arranged – your future self will thank you. 

Declutter… but Retain Some Character!

Cluttered rooms look smaller and can distract from your home’s prime real estate, so it’s worth taking some time to minimise what’s on show. Clear day-to-day items away and keep personal artefacts to a minimum to showcase your property’s features (keeping the odd style-focused piece to highlight your home’s individuality). 

Be sure not to pack cupboards to the brim, however, as buyers are likely to want to see the storage for themselves. Instead, consider filling up empty suitcases or take the opportunity to throw out anything you no longer need.

Carry Out Any Superficial Repairs

Buyers may be put off by the idea of DIY when buying, so take some time to spot and repair anything that could use a little maintenance. From replacing bulbs to tightening door knobs, fixing cracked tiles and sanding down window panes – a little TLC will cost you, but you’ll likely recoup it (and more) at sale.

Neutralise Your Decor

Your home is the one place where you can freely express yourself, but one man’s tasteful is another man’s garish and can easily cost you a sale. If your rooms are bold and bright, it’s worth considering the benefits of redecorating with a neutral colour. After all, it’s easier for would-be buyers to picture putting their stamp on a blank canvas. 

Another positive to prioritising a paint job is that neutral colours can help make your rooms look bigger – which is always a plus when the viewings start.

Give Each Room a Purpose

It’s easy for spare bedrooms to turn into storage dumping grounds, but showing a buyer a room’s potential is far more effective than telling them what it could be. Moreover, filtering by the number of bedrooms is a popular option on many property search websites, so if your extra room has turned into an office space or playroom, consider reverting it to its original purpose to draw more interest.

Downplay Your Furry Friends

Your pets may be family, but some buyers may be deterred by evidence of your furry friends. Muddy pawprints, waste in the garden, litter trays, food bowls and beds may not make the best first impression and neither will odours or hair – making diligent cleaning extra important if you have pets. If possible, clear away their things and remove them from the house while the professional photographs and viewings are taking place. 

Use those Green Fingers to Whip Your Garden into Shape

Gardens, if you’re lucky enough to have one, are a huge draw for potential buyers, so making yours as appealing as possible is essential to getting a quick sale at the price you want. Simple improvements include de-weeding, mowing your grass and adding some simple finishing touches, such as comfy furniture and inexpensive, brightly coloured plants, to make your garden pop.

Thinking of Selling Your Property?

If you’re thinking of selling your property, our team of experts is here to help you get the best possible price in the quickest possible time. With decades of experience under our belt, we’ve seen all possible market conditions over the years and are perfectly placed to help you navigate the current property landscape. Get in touch today!

Fill in our free online home valuation form here

Call us on 0345 646 0208 (Option 1)

or email [email protected] to organise a free valuation of your home or to get a full, transparent breakdown of the costs of selling your home.

Thinking of Buying?

Our specialist Purchasing Team helps thousands of buyers every year to get the best deal on their next dream home, while our friendly and expert lawyers will guide you step-by-step through the Scottish buying process until you have the keys in your hand.

Get a quote for buying online here

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